The Dorian Way is a trading philosophy that was adopted from the Volatility Hedge Fund called The Dorian Fund. The philosophy is centered around trading to make monthly income that can act as a supplement or primary source or income and/or to enhance retirement investing
The Dorian Way’s principal investment strategy that was adopted from The Dorian Fund a Volatility Hedge Fund is to utilize a top-down macroeconomic approach o determine how to deploy capital across stock indices, commodities currencies, and future markets. The future markets could consist of commodities currencies and/or indices. Once opportunities are ascertained the Dorian Way’s trading method to take advantage of the possibilities and predominantly executed through advance option strategies.
We use proprietary quantitative and qualitative trade evaluators to determine which global markets to invest in. We primarily invest in global U.S. dollar denominated products that consist of equity, commodities, currencies, brands, and volatility instruments. All products qualify as 1256 contacts
At Dorian Trader, we help traders of all levels get started, improve and, ultimately, make more money with options.
Dorian Trader LLC 2700 Post Oak Blvd, 21 Floor Houston, Texas 77056
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