Dorian trader




Just wanted to let you know how valuable I have found our weekly hour together in the Disciplined Trader program. The value lies in being able to drill down on details that are coming together to give a much clearer picture of the trading process. It has accelerated the learning experience by ten fold. The videos created provide a firm foundation off of which I can and am building a clear trading future.


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I want to take a moment to thank you for helping me learn a process that is working for me while gaining confidence in managing my account and growing my wealth in the process.


I started with you in May of 2022 and spent last year learning the system and copying the top-trades from the trade idea emails you send out to test them out. I saw that the bread-and-butter trades hit their profit targets most of the time without even needing any adjustments, and that gave me a sense of ease to try it out for myself.


At the beginning of this year, I started to analyze and initiate my own trades using the basic framework you outlined in Course 1. I tried a couple of different types in the beginning but have fallen in favor with the bread-and-butter trades on the /ES.


That being said, I want to share some of the numbers so you know why I am so grateful for you.


If I take the raw P/L YTD as shown in the Tastytrade app along with the initial cash balance I had at the beginning of the year, it shows a growth of 35.7%, but that includes the P/L from trades I analyzed along with the trades I copied from your trade idea emails.


If I look at only the P/L from the trades I analyzed and put on, the growth then becomes 15.5% which I think is phenomenal for me. Actually, both numbers are phenomenal, and I thank you for helping me with those extra trade ideas.


The bread-and-butter trade has allowed me to stay calm while trading, and it has given me a solid technique to use to initiate trades. I am confident in the system, which I gained by following your trades last year and seeing their success, and don’t stress when placing it or adjusting it. Even with adjustments and rolling out when necessary, I still come out profitable in my account and that keeps me at ease.


This strategy matches my personality best, and I think that’s why I am finding success with it. I tried the 0 DTE trades before I became a member and even as a member, but they ultimately don’t work out. I get too stressed and want to watch it too closely, and then I freeze when things start going against me. I’m glad I finally found an approach that works for me.


I look forward to growing my one-man hedge fund with this strategy and learning more strategies to manage an options portfolio through the different phases of the market.




Hi O’Brian, I’ve been waiting for months to show you the status on my account. I’m surprised and grateful for all that has happened to me. I want to thank you for all the help you have given me from the moment I signed on with Dorian Trader and the few 911 emails and texts that I sent to you and you responded.



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